
Local News in Brief : Mall OKd Over Opposition

The Torrance City Council has approved a 9,604-square-foot shopping center to be built at Pacific Coast Highway and Ocean Avenue, despite neighborhood opposition.

In unanimously approving the proposed mini-mall Tuesday, the council rejected next-door neighbor Raymond Chiang’s appeal of the Planning Commission’s approval of the project.

At the meeting, several other residents complained that the center will bring more traffic to a congested area. They also opposed bringing new shops into an area with a high turnover rate for commercial businesses.


The number of businesses in the mini-mall has not been determined.

Neighbor Janet McAuley said the project will route traffic into a residential area, in violation of a city code. “This is detrimental to the residential area,” she said.

In response, the council added three restrictions to its approval: No liquor is to be sold, the center must close by midnight and the abandoned buildings on the lot must be demolished by Oct. 18.
