
Local News in Brief : Fountain Valley : Man Shot by Police Released From Hospital

The man shot by a Newport Beach police officer who mistook the man’s radio for a shotgun has been released from Fountain Valley Regional Hospital.

Sundaga Bryant, 26, who lives with his wife in Orange, went to stay with his father in the La Habra area while he recovers, said Connie Gomez, his sister-in-law.

“He gets tired really easily,” Gomez said. “He’s still having visiting nurses come in to keep an eye on him.”


Gomez said that Bryant, a Liberian immigrant, was interviewed Tuesday by a special investigator from Newport Beach and a senior investigator from the district attorney’s office.

Bryant was wounded Sept. 4, when Newport Beach Police Officer Derek Duncan, 25, responding to a report of a man on the beach with a sawed-off shotgun, fired one shotgun blast at Bryant, mistaking his portable radio carried on a strap over his shoulder for the sawed-off shotgun.

Shotgun pellets struck his left arm, passed through his stomach and exited his right arm. Doctors performed surgery to repair a severed artery in his left arm and to remove his colon and parts of his stomach.


As with all officer-involved shootings, the district attorney’s office is investigating the incident.
