
Public Pensions

It is not difficult to understand why the city of Los Angeles and probably many more cities in California will always be short of money.

I am referring to the article in The Times (Metro, Sept. 9) in which it was announced that Paul H. Lane had just retired as general manager of the Department of Water and Power for Los Angeles.

Lane apparently was an excellent manager and probably well worth the $150,566 annual salary that he was paid. This does seem quite high, yet the pension of $126,000 per year seems truly outrageous. This is 83% of his last salary!


Am I just permitting my envy to show--since I just retired from 38 years of public school teaching and my retirement is approximately 63% of my last year of teaching? Of course, there was a little difference in the salaries, too--just about $110,000!

Of course--I guess we get what we pay for!


San Bernardino
