
Ford Aerospace named former Beech Aircraft executive...

Ford Aerospace named former Beech Aircraft executive James P. Woolnough vice president and general manager of Ford’s Aeronutronic Division in Newport Beach. Woolnough, 54, succeeds James J. Watson, 62, who retired earlier this year after serving as general manager of the 3,500-employee facility since March, 1987. A graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., and the Georgia Institute of Technology, Woolnough most recently was vice president of Beech Aircraft’s military aerospace division in Wichita, Kan. He held that position since March, 1987. Before joining Beech, Woolnough held executive posts with Sanders Associates, General Dynamics and Vought Corp. Donald B. Rassier, president of Newport Beach-based Ford Aerospace, said Woolnough “brings a wealth of related experience to us” and his appointment “underscores (Ford Aerospace’s) commitment to continuous improvement in the vital area of tactical weapons.” The Aeronutronic Division is involved in various defense programs, including the Sidewinder and Chaparral missile programs.
