
By Extension, Jocoy and Hunt Draw a Full Field for Their Racing Course

Jock Jocoy and another veterinarian, Howard Hunt, conducted an 8-session extension course at UC San Diego during the Del Mar racing season this summer.

Called “Thoroughbred Horse Racing, California Style,” the $200-course was attended by 75 people, capacity. They ranged in age from 20 to 70, and included, among others, a Marine general, teachers and lawyers.

Besides classroom lectures on all aspects of racing, the course included a film on horse training by Jack Van Berg; visits by jockey Chris McCarron, race starter Tucker Slender and racing official Jim Vincent; a tour of the Gene Klein-Wayne Lukas training center and trips to Del Mar for the races and a tour of the backstretch.


Jocoy said the course will be offered again next summer, with a class capacity of 100.
