
America and World Refugees

Yes, America is a nation created by immigrants, but the whole world has gone far down the road toward disaster caused by overpopulation. The only way in which this dangerous slide will be stopped is if America takes leadership in the effort to control the world population, and we can only do that if we start controlling our own population. Right now our population is exploding and a significant portion of that increase (between 30% and 45%) comes from immigration. In the future, unless our laws are changed, immigration will represent an increasing portion of that population growth.

We must control the U.S. population not only for reasons of world leadership but also for our own welfare. In 1886 when the Statue of Liberty was dedicated, U.S. army troops were fighting Geronimo and the Alaska gold rush was in full swing. Today we no longer live in an era of schooners and candles. Today the words on the statue’s base are a prescription for disaster. The United States cannot accept all comers from the rest of the world anymore than we can be the world’s policeman. The Vietnamese refugees are unfortunate people, but that doesn’t mean that the U.S. can or should allow them to come here.


Long Beach
