
What Goes On : Nibbles and Bits

“Arts Irvine 1990 Minus 2,” the second annual public forum on creating a city arts agency for Irvine, will be held Friday at the Irvine Hilton Hotel on Jamboree Boulevard from 8:15 a.m. to 3 p.m. Robert Lynch, executive director of the Washington-based National Assembly for Local Arts Agencies, will be the keynote speaker.

Events also will include a panel discussion with representatives of three city arts commissions (Pasadena, Walnut Creek and Winston-Salem, N.C.) and an awards luncheon acknowledging business and community leaders. After lunch, the audience will be invited to join discussion groups conducted by the speakers and panelists. Ideas suggested by each group will be presented to the City Council-appointed Special Committee on the Arts for Irvine.

Tickets for the forum may be bought at the door for $19.90, which covers the cost of the lunch. Reservations are requested: call the Irvine Community Services Department at (714) 660-3639 or (714) 660-3512.
