
Carolyn Chandler, Jeffrey Barr Say Vows in Bel-Air Ceremony

Miss Carolyn Chandler and Jeffrey Mitchner Barr exchanged marriage vows on Saturday at a ceremony held in the home of her mother, Mrs. Malcolm Stuart of Bel-Air.

The bride, a former Las Madrinas presentee, prepared at Thatcher and Westridge schools and majored in biology and environmental conservation at the University of Colorado. She worked as a researcher at a game management ranch in Kenya, Africa, and more recently was employed as a Los Angeles Zoo keeper.

Her father, Otis Chandler of Los Angeles, is chairman of the executive committee of Times Mirror Co. and was the fourth family publisher of the Los Angeles Times, founded by her great-great grandfather, Gen. Harrison Gray Otis. Her mother, an urban planner, is chairman of the Southern California Population Crisis Committee.


The bridegroom, son of Mrs. Patricia Casey Barr of Shawnee Mission, Kan., and the late Mr. John Franklin Barr Jr., was graduated from UCLA and is a film production coordinator. His mother is a travel consultant.

The bride’s attendants included her sister, Cathleen Chandler-Eckhardt, matron of honor, and Elizabeth Moress, Keri Muccillo, Wendy Gross, Laurel Beyer, Annie Barr, bridesmaids. Flower girls were Dana and Margot Chandler and Christopher Chandler served as ring bearer.

Groomsmen included Jeffrey Taylor, best man, Kurt Powell, John Mathies, Michael Blaney and John and Jim Barr, brothers of the bridegroom.
