
‘Affirmative Action’s Edge’

I feel Del Olmo was right on target with his column.

In relation to supporting the affirmative action program, I would like to share the credit with all the Hispanic commissioners who also devoted their time and effort to support this program. People such as Commissioners Salvador Montenegro, Evelyn Benson, Frank Munoz, David Almada, Patricia Duran, Irene Tovar, Alberto Juarez, Luis Nogalez, and Art Avila. These people were dedicated to the affirmative action programs. They made great efforts to push such people as Rojo to the top, knowing that they themselves may never get credit but that equal rights would be deemed possible.

When I left the commission, Mayor Tom Bradley continued to appoint some very talented people who were very sensitive to the affirmative action programs, such as Commissioner Domingo Rodriguez, Fire Commissioner Dominick Rubelcalva, and James Blancarte, our present fire commissioner .

Always knowing that no one person is an island, it took dedication from the Los Angeles City Fire Department, the Los Angeles City Fire Fighters Union, the mayor’s office, Civil Service Commission, and the Hispanic community to make the affirmative action program a reality.



Los Angeles
