
Governor Signs Bill That May Lead to Interior Design Licenses

Gov. George Deukmejian last week signed a bill sponsored by the California Legislative Conference on Interior Design. The measure passed the Assembly by a 58-7 margin.

The bill, SB 354, requires the Contractors’ State License Board to fund a study on the necessity and feasibility of licensing interior designers. The results of the study are to be reported by Feb. 15.

Issues addressed in this study will deal with how the practice of interior design affects the health, safety and welfare of the public. The study will also evaluate the existing or potential overlap by regulatory entities in the field of design.


CLCID membership as of July has reached 5,600, made up of members of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID), the Institute of Business Designers (IBD), International Furnishings and Design Assn. (IFDA, formerly the National Home Fashion League), the International Society of Interior Designers (ISID) and other independent designers.

The organization was formed to identify and monitor legislative action impacting the interior design profession and to eventually achieve licensing in California.
