
N.Y. Artist Painting Reagans’ Portraits

Associated Press

President Reagan and his wife, Nancy, have chosen New York artist Aaron Shikler to paint their formal White House portraits, presidential spokesman Marlin Fitzwater has announced.

“This is done traditionally for all presidents through the White House Historical Assn. and they have arranged for this again this year,” Fitzwater said.

Of the $100,000 cost, $40,000 is being paid by the association, and the remainder has been contributed by an anonymous donor, said Elaine Crispen, Mrs. Reagan’s spokeswoman.


Crispen said the First Lady’s portrait “is almost finished,” but there is still more work to be done on the President’s portrait.

The spokeswoman said she did not know where the portraits will be placed in the White House, but they will be finished by the time the Reagans leave the mansion in January.
