
Using Other Routes

Tourist bucks are a big part of what keeps Orange County moving, and those now seriously discussing transportation needs must look at the impact our overcrowded roads and nonexistent rapid transit must have on strangers, particularly those whose language might be something other than English.

When the toll roads are in place, the so-called freeways will still be crowded with single-driver cars trying to get to work at 8 a.m. Work schedules could be varied. What is so magic about 8 a.m.?

The Long Beach light-rail line will soon be running from Los Angeles to the beach city. Shouldn’t we be trying to make a rail connection so that people can move from LAX to Anaheim?


I recently rode OCTD from Placentia to Garden Grove. The buses were clean, full and moved as fast as could be expected. However, to change buses I had to ask for a transfer, guess where the other bus stopped, and, once there, could find no signs indicating bus frequency.

I have studied the London transportation system and one of the items which makes it easy for a visitor is solid information at each stop, plus posted maps.

We have rail lines in place through Orange County. Trains running on existing tracks from Riverside and Corona to Santa Ana could reduce the number of cars lined up in the Santa Ana Canyon.


Given the limited rail service between Orange County and Los Angeles, figures published in The Times show a 25% increase in Amtrak loadings. Cost is not cheap, parking is a problem at some stations and schedules are still not really geared to the commuter. But 273,148 persons are not on the streets adding to the glut.

Every road project now under way should be completed as rapidly as possible. But in the meantime, other solutions should be brought forward and acted upon.


