
Herb Cawthorne

The story on the San Diego Urban League president, Herb Cawthorne, was a good one, except it was dominated by interviews with his detractors (“Jury Is Split on Urban League Chief’s First Year,” Sept. 2).

Cawthorne is provocative. This laid-back town needs its toes stepped on. It is infatuated with itself. It has fine vintage and involved leadership. It also has too many newly self-elected elitists.

Anyone who says that Cawthorne “has sold out” is repeating the Uncle Tom racism. Self-confidence is not megalomania. Activism is not left wing. A person who does not comprehend the immutable law of economics that less housing with no reduced demand means great inflation has sold out his right to be called an economist or sincere.


This brash, intense, excellent leader comes along when the city, not just the blacks, needs direction. He makes the business people understand--not just be tolerant of--the true rainbow coalition: black, brown, red, yellow and white.

Most of all, he is an individual who is bringing us together while others are pulling us apart. He is more important than the latest poll, for he tells the truth and he tells his opinions and he listens to mine. In this town of shrill negativism incubating in sunshine and self-devotion, that is wonderful! Give ‘em hell, Herb.


San Diego
