
Buyers of Sneakers Made by Sweat Shop Slaves Should Ante Up for Health Care

Regarding the story on Aug. 28 on the new Pro-Spec athletic show launched by a Korean company to capitalize on the Seoul Olympics, I have a modest proposal, inspired by your lead paragraph: “Rows and rows of women huddle over workbenches on a cavernous factory floor, stitching shoes as the stench of glue fills the hot, stagnant air.”

It would probably cost the manufacturer, Kukje Corp., a lot of money to air-condition the plant and install exhaust vents over each woman’s work station. That might drive up the price of their new athletic show. So maybe each worker could put a little slip into the shoes she makes--you know, “Inspected by No. 305.” Then the upscale Western purchaser of No. 305’s work could send a modest contribution toward the cost of medical care required by the effects of involuntary glue-sniffing upon the health of the woman and any child she might be carrying.


Santa Monica
