
Missing Link

The furor over “Last Temptation of Christ” generated plenty of booklets and fund-raising brochures denouncing the movie. So imagine our surprise when we caught sight of a pro- “Last Temptation of Christ” mailer.

About 200,000 copies of the glossy, eight-page educational “discussion guide,” with nine color pics from the movie, were mailed recently by the nonprofit Cultural Information Service to folks including librarians, teachers, professors, religious leaders.

But--whoops!--no mention that funding came from . . . Universal Pics, producer/distributor of the film.

It offers lots of information on director Martin Scorcese and novelist Nikos Kazantzakis (“a tireless pilgrim intent upon understanding the mystery of religious experience”) and encourages readers to view the film “as a religious journey today.” (“Think of the film as a chance to listen to the many different, even conflicting, voices inside yourself and to delve into your beliefs, values, priorities, ideals.”)

CSI President Mary Ann Brassat didn’t feel the organization needed to mention the Universal connection (“The issue never came up”). And she pointed out that CSI has put out booklets on several TV programs that were funded by their parent TV networks.


Brassat acknowledged that CSI worked with Universal PR chief Sally Van Slyke on the booklet--”and Universal got to look at the copy and offer comments before publication.”
