

Those folks who’ve been hanging out in the bar at L.A.’s City Restaurant (on La Brea Boulevard) probably didn’t know they spent much of the summer watching reruns. From the City kitchen.

See, at City, part of the “ambiance” includes getting to look--via video--on what’s going on in the kitchen. But when a piece of video equipment went on the blink and City couldn’t televise the chefs as they worked, the decision was made to show tapes of kitchen activity that were made earlier. Not to mention tapes of cooking classes (by the owner-chefs) and reruns of the City segment that appeared on KCET’s “Turning Points” a few years back.

But Susan Feniger, co-owner/co-chef with Mary Sue Milliken, reports that the equipment is fixed and the vid is live once again.


In other words, the new season is here.
