
Site OKd for Korean War Memorial at Washington Mall

Associated Press

A memorial honoring the 5.7 million Americans who served in the Korean War will be placed on the Washington Mall, near the Lincoln Memorial and opposite the Vietnam Memorial.

Approval of the site in Ash Woods, a grove of trees on the south side of the Reflecting Pool in front of the Lincoln Memorial, was announced today by Secretary of the Interior Donald P. Hodel.

The announcement marks the end of the site approval process required by law.

A nationwide competition, similar to the one for the Vietnam Memorial, will be held for the design. The $6-million memorial will be built with private funds and Gen. Richard Stilwell, chairman of the Korean War Veterans Memorial Advisory Board, has announced that $2.4 million has already been raised.


The Korean War ended July 27, 1953. There were 54,246 American fatalities and 103,284 wounded.
