
Costa Mesa : Child Care Provided by Employers Topic of Meet

The benefits to a company of providing child care for its employees will be the focus of a U.S. Department of Labor conference at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday at Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel.

“Providing child-care benefits for workers pays the employer in the form of increased productivity, higher retention rates of skilled workers, greater morale among employees, and it can vastly improve recruitment efforts in a competitive labor market,” said Don Balcer, regional administrator of the Labor Department’s Employment and Training Administration.

The Costa Mesa conference is one of five scheduled in September throughout the state.

Although aimed at employers, the sessions are open to the public, department spokesman Joe Kirkbride said.


About 150 employers are expected to attend each conference.

A $30 registration fee is required for attendance, payable by check to the U.S. Human Resources Corp. and mailed with registration requests to U.S. Department of Labor, ETA, P.O. Box 3767, San Francisco, Calif. 94119-3767.

Additional information is available at (415) 995-5520 or (415) 995-5431.
