
Trips to Israel

Your writer was not being completely accurate by saying that “Unlike the Jewish excursions, however, delegates on the Arab-sponsored groups . . . pay their own way. . . .” He goes on to report that a lady from San Diego paid $500 to take part in an Arab-sponsored trip.

There’s no way in the world that $500 would “pay their own way”-- just going airport to airport, let alone paying for meals, lodging and internal travel.

Further, although your article did include the fact that the Jewish trips allow the tourists to speak to Arabs who support Israel’s enemies--and for that matter, even to speak to Jews who support Israel’s enemies--you failed to state that those people who go on the Arab-sponsored trips are screened out front for their pro-Arab and/or new left credentials. And for sure they do not, as those of the Jewish-sponsored trips, engage in a search for the point of view of Israelis who are on the opposite end of the Arab point of view.



Los Angeles
