
Steffi Graf, Riding Grand Slam Crest, Mobbed in Seoul

Associated Press

Tennis Grand Slam winner Steffi Graf arrived for the Olympics today and caused a near-riot at Kimpo Airport.

Though protected by a wall of Korean security officials, the 19-year-old West German was hustled and jostled as she tried to follow her teammates to a waiting bus outside. Roped barriers, hastily erected to clear Graf’s path, were knocked down by reporters and photographers, tripping several people.

Graf was shaken but unhurt.

“I’ve never had a reception like this anywhere before,” said Graf, who won the Grand Slam by winning the U.S. Open last weekend, the first woman to win all four major tennis titles since 1970.


“At the moment, I feel a bit tired. Now, having this,” she said, wiping her eyes. “I’m very excited but it’s a little frightening. I hope it’s not going to be like this all the time.”
