

How revolting to see on the front page pictures of the “bloodless” bullfight and to read “Bully for Them!”

There is a big loophole in the California state law regarding bullfighting. In making it illegal to hold bullfights, bloodless or otherwise, our legislators, in deference to special interests, added an exception, which allows bloodless bullfights held in connection with a religious ceremony. This clause has ever since made a mockery of the law pertaining to bullfighting, or, rather, the bloodless bullfight promoters have made it a farce.

There is nothing remotely concerned with or connected to Christian religion in the gross spectacle of a helpless, hapless animal--the bull--being teased and tormented until it is worn to exhaustion, then tortured by a bunch of “brave” bull-grabbers attempting to swing it by its tail. Nor does this obviously cruel, barbaric exploitation of animals have any place in our avowedly civilized society as “culture,” “art” or “tradition” as its promoters would have it.


The loophole in California’s bullfight law should be closed. All bullfighting of any kind for any pretext should be illegal, period. Meanwhile, “Religion, what sins are committed in thy name.”


