
Revised Smog Inspection Bill

Here we go again! More rhetoric to confuse the public. The Senate sent legislation to Gov. Deukmejian that would allow mechanics to charge up to $300 per car for exhaust-emission repair (Part I, Aug. 31). We are working at the wrong end, by treating the victim and not the disease.

Since 1977 a long series of legislative battles to clean up our air have been lost. Now again, Detroit is willing to spend up to $4.5 million per auto company for tests, but not one cent to reduce the emissions per car; and, as usual, the motorist bears the brunt of Detroit’s greediness.

Now the most ironic assault to our intelligence is the latest headline, “EPA Moves to Ban New Sources of Smog.” What a farce! We have absolutely no plans to bring in heavy industry or power generating plants. It’s purely a symbolic ploy.


And what about Assemblyman Byron D. Sher’s highly touted bill--the goal to reduce smog 5% annually? It stretches our credence to the breaking point. A 5% reduction is a drop in the bucket and with the prediction of more growth, more cars, and more people we will actually slip backwards into eventual suffocation.



Palm Springs
