
Man Has Heart Attack During Class on CPR

Associated Press

A 74-year-old man suffered a heart attack while practicing life-saving techniques in a cardiopulmonary resuscitation course, but was revived by his instructors.

Melvin Bishop collapsed while compressing the chest of a practice dummy during the CPR class Saturday, instructor Len Heroux said. Finding no pulse, Heroux and other instructors began performing the same compression technique Bishop had been practicing.

As about 20 stunned students looked on, Bishop’s heart began pumping. He soon regained consciousness and began talking, smiling and thanking his rescuers. He was taken to Hartford Hospital, where he was listed in stable condition.


Dr. Ronald H. Pariser, Bishop’s cardiologist, said Bishop told him he wanted to learn the technique because “he didn’t want to have to stand there helpless” if someone collapsed.
