
Thanks to Edison

After experiencing the hottest day of the year without electricity, I want to acknowledge the efforts of the men and women who work for Southern California Edison in the Whittier area. My power was restored after being out for at least 24 hours.

I called Edison for 5 hours before I got through because their phone lines were busy. Those people were courteous and understanding, despite hours of taking calls from customers all over the area, who were complaining of lost electricity. I called again to find out if they knew when the repair crews would be in my neighborhood. I was told the crews couldn’t give any time estimates, because the power outages were so extensive. I thanked the woman for her time. She thanked me for being so understanding. She had been on duty since 8 the previous morning.

In the afternoon, a man called me from Edison to ask if the power had been restored. I told him it had not, but I thanked him for calling. It made me feel a little better knowing they were still thinking of me! When the two men arrived to repair or replace the transformer in my back yard, they looked like they had been working in 110-degree heat for 36 hours, which they probably had, but they were courteous and friendly, and had smiles for me and cheerful words for my young son.


My refrigerator began to hum within ten minutes of their arrival. Less than two hours later, I got a phone call from someone at Edison who was checking to see if my power had been restored. I told him it was, and thanked him for his efforts, and the efforts of everyone at Edison.

I couldn’t begin to do what those people did on the hottest day of the year. They are to be commended, and I want to publicly express my gratitude to all of them.


