
John-Roger Revisited

I have known and studied with John-Roger for 15 years. I know all of the people mentioned in your article and have over the years even shared living quarters with some of them. I was present when the allegations were leveled against John-Roger. Yet I have no knowledge of any of the accusations.

I have spent a great deal of time at John-Roger’s house and have participated with Insight since its inception. I have lived at PRANA and I have studied at Prana Theological Seminary and taken classes at Koh-e-nor University. I am an initiate and a minister in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness. Professionally, I am an actor, movie producer, writer and also have a business designing and building cabinets and custom furniture. I’m not wealthy, I’m not poor. I’m not super successful nor am I a failure. I’m a normal man, with my own talents and abilities.

There is one man who has come into my life who I admire, respect and love deeply, and if he would allow, probably worship. His name is John-Roger. I have never seen or known of John-Roger ever doing anything against anyone or to hurt or discredit anyone. I’ve never known him to exploit people or attempt to deprive them of their individuality or uniqueness. Quite the contrary. In my experience John-Roger is the embodiment of selfless service and has indulged others so that ultimately they can learn and grow from their own experiences. He is the perfect teacher and way shower.



Santa Monica
