
Headquarters Assn. Reelects John Whitaker

John W. Whitaker, partner in the downtown law firm of Lillick, McHose & Charles, has been reelected president of the Los Angeles Headquarters City Assn.

Whitaker is a member of the executive committee of the State Bar’s Real Property Section and vice chairman of the county Bar’s Real Property Section.

Jay Davis of the law firm Baker McKenzie and Chet Widom of architects Wein & Cohen were elected vice presidents. Secretary is Steve Hinderer, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, and treasurer is William J. Harkness, KB Management Co.


New board members are Sue Laris, Downtown News Group; Carole Linn, the Linn Co.; Carl J. Seneker II, Morrison & Foerster, and Robert L. Stelzl, Bren Investment Properties.

The association attempts to attract headquarters companies to the greater Los Angeles area and keep those who are already here.
