
Six Students Win Awards from NAWIC

Four students from Reseda High School and one each from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and Cal State Long Beach have won awards from the National Assn. of Women in Construction’s Los Angeles chapter.

The Reseda High students--David S. Rhea, Jose A. Chacon, Todd S. Oliver and Allen S. Nudel--were awarded plaques and cash prizes in the association’s drafting competition. It was the second year in a row that Reseda High students swept the competition.

Nudel, who will attend Cal Poly San Luis Obispo as an architectural engineering major later this year, also won a $500 college scholarship from the association. Lisa Lopez of Cal Poly won a $1,000 scholarship and Mary Siedel was awarded a $500 scholarship.


David Hergesheimer of the Los Angeles Unified School District and Keith La Noue of Dieterich Post Co. were awarded plaques for their support of the high school drafting contest. Hergesheimer acted as a liaison between the association and the school district, while La Noue donated drafting pen sets and paper for the winners.
