
Airport’s Changes

I recently received without request the regular edition of the latest John Wayne Airport report, furnished at taxpayer’s expense. It reported in glowing terms regarding the accomplishments of management and the anticipated results we can expect in the future.

Listed therein are the dates for completion of various construction projects. No mention is made, nor has there ever been any publicity regarding, the northward extension of the main runway that will permit the use of larger (and probably noisier) jets. This has been in the planning stage for many months, and is certainly bad news for Newport Beach residents.

No excuse has been offered for permitting the largest parking charges of any airport in the Southern California area, and offering the poorest facilities. Certainly, the question remains who is profiting from this inexcusable extortion in an area that does not offer alternate parking other than supplied by the county. Is the excess going to the parking concessionaire or to the supervisors?


Finally, and sadly, an article lauds the USAir replacement of PSA. Many of us who were longtime patrons and loyal supporters (I have over 600,000 miles on PSA) mourn the loss of the camaraderie and the informality we came to expect and enjoy on PSA. In my case, I have written two letters to USAir’s customer service department requesting some routine information, and haven’t even had the courtesy of an answer.

When will our public officials learn that we object to spending our money on projects that glorify them, and downplay those subjects that are irritating to many of us?


Newport Beach
