
2 Cruise Missiles Removed in England

United Press International

The first U.S. cruise missiles withdrawn from Europe under the INF treaty headed Thursday for the United States and destruction, in keeping with the arms reduction agreement reached with the Soviets.

Two cruise missiles deployed at this U.S. air base about 70 miles north of London were strapped to a truck and taken to another air base for the flight to Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz.

About two dozen anti-nuclear demonstrators gathered outside the Molesworth gate. Some shouted at the departing convoy: “INF is only the beginning,” and others held placards that read: “Good riddance cruise.”


The two medium-range missiles were the first of 119 installed in England to be removed, leaving 16 more at Molesworth and another 101 at Greenham Common Air Base west of London.
