
Local News in Brief : Councilmen Accused of Violating Rules

Supporters of Occidental Petroleum charged Thursday that two Los Angeles City Council members who oppose plans to drill for oil in Pacific Palisades are violating campaign reporting rules.

The allegation asks the state Fair Political Practices Commission to investigate whether Councilmen Zev Yaroslavsky and Marvin Braude and their political committees broke rules in their campaign to pass Proposition O, a measure on the Nov. 8 ballot to stop oil drilling by Occidental in the Palisades.

The pro-Occidental forces, who are backing the rival Proposition P to allow the drilling project, contend that Yaroslavsky and Braude misreported contributions and expenses and failed to include their names on mailings to voters.


Yaroslavsky and Braude withheld comment until today when they have scheduled a news conference to make similar allegations against the Proposition P campaign.
