
Burning Body Starts Brush Fire

A burning body apparently was dumped in the brush late Thursday at Bolsa Chica Road and the Garden Grove Freeway near the boundaries of Westminister and Seal Beach, Westminster police said.

There was little information available late Thursday night about the body or whether the victim was dead or alive when set afire. Also, it was unclear whether the victim was a male or female.

But police said the burning body apparently started a brush fire that scorched an area 50 feet by 100 feet. The blaze was extinguished by firefighters from Westminister and at least two surrounding communities.


The fire could be seen from the Garden Grove and the San Diego freeways.

Authorities reported that two early model cars were spotted leaving the area when the first fire engine arrived shortly before 10 p.m.

The cars were described as a Mercury and a Ford. Both automobiles were believed to be early 1970s models, and law enforcement officials issued an all-points bulletin for the cars.
