
How Would You Like to Change Yourself?

Hot Topic responses gathered by Soojin Kang, Jason Loeb, Monica Neal, Gabriel Saldivar and Janice Swail

Few people are completely happy with themselves the way they are, and, given the opportunity, would probably change one or two things. Perhaps the transformation would be a physical one, perhaps mental or maybe even spiritual.

This week’s Hot Topics asks: “If you could change one thing about yourself, what would that be and why?”

“I would try to be more outgoing because you can experience more things that way.”

Jeff Bettencourt, 16,

junior, Brea-Olinda

“I’d be taller because it is an advantage to be taller in life.”

Tu Le, 15,

junior, Fullerton

“I wouldn’t procrastinate much because I’m always putting stuff off until the last minute.”


Casey Horton, 16,

senior, Fullerton

“I would like to be more outgoing because it will help me in the future.”

Heather Lewis, 17,

senior, Fullerton

“I wish I could keep a secret. My mouth always gets me in trouble.”

Dyan Lundby, 17,

senior, Kennedy

“If I could keep my room clean for more than a week, I would be happy because my mom keeps bugging me, ‘Clean your room, clean your room.’ ”

Windy Kaytis, 17,

senior, Orange

“I would change the way I’m so overly critical about people. Everyone is so different these days, and sometimes I’ll just laugh about them. I talk behind their backs subconsciously. I wouldn’t want people to do that to me, so I will try not to, either.”

Tom Kovac, 17,

senior, Orange

“I wish I could improve my flip turn when I swim the backstroke.”

Lisa Patterson, 17,

senior, Orange

“If there was a way to change one thing in my life, it would be setting up my future a little differently, with better grades and attitudes.”


Ben Heath, 17,

senior, Orange

“I wouldn’t change anything. I’m satisfied with myself.”

Clay Kaytis, 15,

sophomore, Orange

“If I could change anything about myself, it would be the fact that I am too negative when it comes to school and schoolwork. I always tell myself it doesn’t make any difference if I do it or not, but I’ve learned that it does make a difference.”

Debbie Dodson, 17,

senior, Orange

“I would want to make my body bigger and stronger.”

Jorge Rivero, 17,

senior, Santa Ana

“I’d want to tone up my body physically.”

Pam Sanchez, 15,

sophomore, Santa Ana

“I’d like to be a better cyclist and a better dancer.”

Junior Montanez, 16,

freshman, Santa Ana

“I always put things off. I would try to make myself more responsible.”

Helen Chen, 17,

senior, Valencia

“I would like to change my bank account so I’d be able to buy more things.”

Doug Talbert, 15,

sophomore, Valencia

“I would want to be more outgoing so that I could meet more people.”

Sharlene Walker, 16,

junior, Valencia

Next Week’s Hot Topic: What do you fight most about with your brother or sister?
