
Television Reviews : Two Youngsters Investigate Murder in ‘Secret Witness’

If it weren’t for the network--and the murder that forms the basis of its plot--”Secret Witness” could be an “ABC Afterschool Special” instead of the first (and easily the best) of tonight’s two TV movies about divorced dads and their sons on CBS (starting at 8 p.m. on Channels 2 and 8).

With two kids as its protagonists, its simple plot, bright look, Catalina Island setting and even a moral (it isn’t good for father and son to keep secrets from each other), this 90-minute movie would fit right into the afternoon slot. The murder doesn’t even take place on-screen (though there is one shot of the bloody murder scene that would rule it out as a show pegged primarily for children).

While visiting his divorced dad on the island, Drew Highsmith (Leaf Phoenix) joins another 12-year-old, Jennie Thomas (Kellie Martin), in visiting a nature-loving vagrant (Paul LeMat) and peeping into windows--Jennie plans to write a scandal book. When Drew sees his father in one of those windows, in a house where a murder occurs later that same night, a reasonably decent suspense yarn develops.


“Secret Witness” never becomes truly special, but it’s not a bad time-passer for any age. It might have been more . . . if the story had contained a deeper level (particularly concerning the parent-child relationships; Jennie’s dad, nicely played by the reliable Barry Corbin, is the sheriff), if the acting weren’t so often flat and if there had been an additional suspect or two.

OK, so it’s not great art. But compared to some of the other new TV movies we’re getting this month--such as the one reviewed below--”Witness” is worth witnessing.
