
Local News in Brief : Nursing Home Loses Federal Payments

Federal officials have decided to cut off government insurance payments to an Inglewood nursing home where county inspectors found widespread health violations.

St. Erne’s Sanitarium, a 276-bed facility serving mostly low-income psychiatric and medical patients, received notification Tuesday from the U.S. Health Care Financing Administration that it can no longer accept Medicare and Medi-Cal patients after Sept. 20.

The county Health Facilities Division recommended the cutoff based on a 66-page report detailing unsanitary conditions and poor treatment of patients during an August inspection that found 90 health violations. Inspectors said they found, among other things, patients with untreated bedsores lying in their own waste.


A spokesman for the nursing home said administrators will request another inspection before Sept. 20. If inspectors determine the nursing home has corrected all deficiencies, the cutoff could be rescinded, according to Ron Curry, an administrator in the federal department.
