
Air Show Crash

There is an air show crash in West Germany in which 46 people, most of them spectators, are killed (Part I, Aug. 29). Then the German government bans air shows. The activity is too potentially dangerous.

What next? Should we ban flying, a convenient, and to some, enjoyable mode of travel or recreation, because there is a possibility of fatal crashes? Let us not even mention the myriad risks associated with motorcycle helmets, seat belts, toxic warning labels, cigarettes, alcohol and fatty foods.

As the population of this planet soars, each human life becomes more and more precious. Enjoyable recreational activities such as air shows must be curbed to eliminate risks that may on occasion take a few lives. Soon, perhaps all pleasurable/risky pursuits will be outlawed, and tens of billions of humans can revel in their safe, long lives, as they mill about, shoulder to shouder, in “Soylent Green”-land.



San Diego
