
Learning English

Carmen Estrada’s column “So Many of Those Who Don’t Speak the Language Can Find No English Class to Go To” (Op-Ed Page, Aug. 28) is right on target.

Against these stark needs, I am pleased to report that the city of Los Angeles recently embarked on a project to make basic English language training more available through videotapes which will soon be available for check out from our libraries.

Called “Opportunity U.S.A.,” these 30 hours of videotaped instruction will provide those residents of Los Angeles desiring to learn basic English an opportunity to do so at no cost and without having to wait for classroom space to become available.


“Opportunity U.S.A.” is an innovative and collaborative effort of the city’s “We the People” Foundation, Mayor Tom Bradley, the Los Angeles Unified School District, the Immigration and Naturalization Service and my office with funding provided by Kaiser Permanente, Pepsi Cola and Apple Computers.

We are also making copies of the tapes available at the cost of duplication to any other governmental agency, community-based organization, employer or church group that might wish to offer this training. Inquiries should be directed to (213) 485-6149.

While certainly not a panacea, this major project, which was conceived and pulled together in three short months, provides a significant response to the need for greater availability of basic English language instruction in our community and throughout the nation.



Councilman, 14th District

Los Angeles
