
Exiled Communist Party Chief to Try to Return to Chile


Luis Corvalan, exiled secretary general of Chile’s Communist Party, will try to return home soon, now that President Augusto Pinochet has lifted a ban against political opponents, a ranking party member said Friday.

Volodia Teitelboim, head of the Politburo of the Chilean party, told a news conference here that Corvalan was currently “somewhere in Latin America.”

“He will doubtless be taking steps to enter the country soon,” Teitelboim added.

Corvalan, a leading figure in the Popular Unity coalition that ruled Chile under the late Marxist President Salvador Allende, was jailed after the armed forces and police seized power in a 1973 coup in which Allende died. Corvalan was freed and came here in 1976 in an exchange that involved dissident Soviet writer Vladimir Bukovsky.


Teitelboim was traveling in Europe when the coup took place.
