
Local news in Brief : Firms May Have to Pay Part of Cleanup

The Environmental Protection Agency has told seven industrial firms in Burbank and North Hollywood that they may be required to help pay for the cleanup of San Fernando Valley ground water under the federal Superfund program, a job that could cost more than $100 million during the next 20 years.

In letters to the companies, the federal agency stopped short of blaming them for chemical pollution that has closed at least two dozen drinking water wells belonging to the cities of Los Angeles and Burbank. But the EPA said the companies are “potentially responsible parties” who might be required to contribute cleanup funds if further evidence links them to the contamination.

The EPA also notified 22 other firms in Burbank, North Hollywood and Sun Valley whose chemical use and waste disposal practices are under review that they may be added to the list of those “potentially responsible” as more information about them develops.
