
Local News in Brief : Huntington Beach : Pacifica Hospital Offers Shuttle Service

Patients of Pacifica Community Hospital can receive hospital-provided transportation there or to their doctors’ offices if they live within 20 miles of the hospital.

As a courtesy to doctors and other members of the medical staff at the hospital, and at the request of the hospital’s Club 65 senior citizens group, a van and driver have been made available for the shuttle service. The ride is free to patients who live within 5 miles of the hospital, at 18792 Delaware St. Those who live 6 to 10 miles away will be charged $3 a trip, and those living 11 and 20 miles away will be charged $5.

Rides must be scheduled 24 hours in advance. To do so, call Robert Bee at the hospital between 1 and 4 p.m. weekdays at (714) 842-3545.
