
Vietnam War Foes and Quayle’s Serving in the National Guard

Del Olmo’s self-serving column is a little confusing! He says he saw the light of anti-war activism after researching a paper for his senior project, but relates that had he been able to fly he would have enlisted after graduation. One can only suppose that had the Air Force said he could fly all the research of Bernard Fall and Ramparts magazine would have been wasted. There were plenty of other authors he could have consulted, but flying apparently would have overcome their arguments also.

He bravely went to college and asked for a deferment, but one should note that neither act was compulsory. He could have volunteered for the infantry or declined to ask for the deferred status and simply gone through the normal draft lottery. His actions are no more commendable than those of people who ran off to Canada or joined the National Guard units to avoid service in a war they did not want to fight. That being said, thank heavens for Frank’s uncles and the many brave Latinos who did serve their country. By the way, someone once said something about throwing the first stone!


Granada Hills
