
Flap Over the Pledge of Allegiance

I read that Dukakis vetoed a bill that favored the pledging of allegiance in schools, his excuse being an opinion issued that claimed such policy was unconstitutional.

This brings to mind a great difference between the two parties that is overlooked by the masses; that being the valueless “interpretation” of the Constitution held by the Democratic Party that says that any policy that holds its basis upon morals, values, or religion has no place in public or governmental institutions.

That’s all well and good, except when you consider that the majority of Americans are in favor of these things! The majority wants prayer and the pledging of allegiance in schools! The majority wants “In God We Trust” to remain on American currency! The majority wants a country that stands for something!


The liberal Democrats are, by actions, against all of these things, buckling under to minority radical ideology and allowing it to prevail over the majority of America.


Santa Monica
