
Local News in Brief : Schabarum Looks for New RTD Appointee

After a series of conflicts over key transportation issues, Los Angeles County Supervisor Pete Schabarum is looking for a replacement for his appointee to the RTD board, Erwin Jones.

Jones, the retired superintendent of the Covina-Valley Unified School District, said he stepped down as of Thursday from the Southern California Rapid Transit District board after a confrontation with Schabarum last week.

“My vote, as Pete’s appointee, has been a source of embarrassment to him,” Jones said Thursday. “I told him if he wanted a stooge, he should have had one. . . . I will study issues and vote my conscience (for what) I think is in the best interests of the RTD and the transportation needs of Los Angeles County.”


Judy Hammond, a Schabarum spokeswoman, could not immediately confirm Jones had been removed. But she said the supervisor had been “very upset” with Jones for failing to vote to transfer RTD routes to a proposed privately operated bus system in the San Gabriel Valley. The pioneering “transportation zone” had been a pet project of Schabarum’s.
