
Reader With Eye Problem Prefers Staying in the Dark

For medical reasons, Gerald Brill of Arcadia needs eye shades similar to the type airlines gave out years ago on long flights. This is not a shady deal that should be taken lightly, so can you keep an eye out for Brill to make sure he’s completely in the dark?

Yoram Kahana, who is trying to restore a 1927 building at 1441 N. McCadden Place in Hollywood to its former glory, needs information about the Hollywood Columbus Club, which built it; L.F. Green, the architect; Hall Blount Radio Productions and other tenants. Can you help before Kahana tries to raise the roof, or will he have to leave a few stones unturned because nothing is set in concrete?

Patti Garrity of Manhattan Beach is unable to find Maybelline cake mascara in black. Can you help with this matter, which may not be a piece of cake, or will Garrity end up with egg on her face?


Lynn Christie of La Crescenta needs someone to restore a 19th-Century rocking horse. Can you help before Christie is completely off her rocker, or will the horse laugh be on her because everybody said neigh to her?

We have additional sources for wine containers that look like clusters of grapes. Lu Cille Kelly of Palm Desert writes that any Cost Plus store carries the item. And Frances Mc Namee of San Fernando says she saw the containers at the Casa de Fruta Orchard Resort in Hollister.

Oliver Crawford, who was looking for transparent light-switch covers, need no longer be in the dark. Mrs. Nix of Fullerton and Karen Perry of San Pedro say such covers can be found at Builders Emporium (Angelo Bros. toggle switches No. 622548 or No. 622555). And Rebecca Moran of San Pedro suggests to cut out Contact-brand clear-plastic self-adhesive clear plastic, which will adhere to many surfaces; it is available at Fedco.


For Joan Weinberg, who was on the warpath for words and music to patriotic songs, we have some Yankee Doodle dandy sources. Rebecca Moran of San Pedro, Dorie Knapp of Canoga Park, Tasnim Sharif of Oxnard and Donna Eschen of Santa Maria all suggest “Wee Sing America,” available at the Children’s Music Center in Santa Monica, the Price Club, major book stores and chain stores, such as K mart and Target. According to Bob Taaffe of Manhattan Beach, “Songs of Liberty” can be obtained from Colonial Williamsburg, P.O. Box CH, Williamsburg, Va. 23187. Mrs. Ralph Lindsay of Lancaster purchased a “West Point” cassette at the U.S. Military Academy; the songs are performed by the U.S. Military Academy Band and Glee Club. Andrew Landay of Santa Monica says Album 6 (“American Patriotic and Marching Songs”) in the Golden Library Records set was made in 1959 by Bell Records and distributed by Affiliated Publishers of New York, N.Y. Although this was a disc, Landay believes a cassette may also be available. Mary Meyer of Los Angeles recalls that the Mormon Tabernacle Choir made a tape of patriotic songs. And four readers were willing to part with their tapes; their generosity was much appreciated by Weinberg.

For Alice Jones of Arcadia and Mildred Erwin of Los Angeles, both of whom wanted plastic clothespins with hooks, we have something they can pin their hopes on. Mildred Reed, Mrs. Russell Roth, L. Yegliss and Virgie McDonald suggest F.W. Woolworth. Frances Mc Namee lists Vons Grocery. “Happy Moncrief” mentions Newberry’s. H. Loeffler tells about Osco Drugs. Another drug chain is Thrifty, mentioned by Barbara Letko, Fred Kotrozo and Alice Pierret. Other chains include K mart (Esther Tyrrell), Fedco (Patricia Green), Cornet (S. E. Larsen) and Hold-It Stores (Rachel Findley). Fay Marcus suggests the Williams-Sonoma stores.

Sharleyn Norton mentions the Gadget Nook at Farmer’s Market, and Lucy Katz told us about Stagecoach Luggage at the Stonewood Shopping Center in Downey. We even heard from three readers who have the pins and are willing to part with them; if interested, send us a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
