
Oliver North

When Oliver North was doing all that illegal stuff and then shredded the evidence, which he said justified his actions, I wasn’t for him. Even when he ripped-off the American public with his “No, Sir” smile in the hearings and flashed his Marine-green “good boy” haircut at us, I knew that here was the ultimate scoundrel behind the flag-wavers.

Now that North has the courts, the Justice Department, not to mention the CIA’s general counsel, Russell Bruemmer, spinning around like a mad beast trying to beat itself with its own tail over 300,000 to 1 million secrets, some of which Bruemmer says, only the President has the security clearance to read, he takes my breath away.

We have bred such genius in this man that he has learned the real secret of government--how to employ the weapon against itself, the regulation against regulations, the classification so secure that only one man can read it.


Semper fi and e pluribus unum!


