
Local News in Brief : Vehicles Needed to Distribute Food

A Southern California agency that supplies food to programs for the poor is looking for transportation for 10 truckloads of cantaloupes donated by a San Joaquin Valley packing house.

Chris Renner, associate director of Food Partnership, which channels food to six food banks, said the nonprofit organization has been unable to move the melons from a warehouse in Firebaugh because no trucks are available. Normally, he said, the California Trucking Assn. moves food for the agency to the food banks, but “unfortunately, they are snowed under right now.”

The cantaloupes were donated because their water content does not meet federal agricultural standards, he said, but the “San Jose food bank has a truckload and they say they’re great.” Food Partnership supplies food banks in Los Angeles, Long Beach, Orange County, Riverside, Oxnard and San Diego.
