
Just Too Folksy

Thank you for your coverage of the Lake Morena issue (“City Delays Pulling the Plug on Lake Morena,” Aug. 16); it was accurate and informative.

I would like to point out, however, that many of us who live east of El Cajon get annoyed, rather than a mite riled. We relax rather than kick back. And we do not talk with twangs, or clamp straws in our teeth.

Seems when y’all head out our way, things get a little folksy. We aren’t residents, we become folks. We don’t live in communities or towns, we live in sleepy villages.


True, the pace is a mite slower, to use your terminology, but many of us live here with college educations, viable professions and a good command of the King’s English.

Do you “folks” lapse into surfer lingo when you cover a beach issue? Are beach residents described as rad dudes? Just wondered.

Keep up the good work, you urbanites, you.


Harbison Canyon
