
CSUN Dedicates New Condo-Like Dormitories

The five new dormitories at Cal State Northridge look like a collection of apartments, condominiums or townhouses. What they don’t resemble are dormitories.

About 300 people gathered for a ribbon-cutting for the dormitories Friday to celebrate the university’s attempt to create something positive and uplifting instead of erecting another typical dorm.

“The new facilities we built I definitely think are a dramatic change from what students are used to,” boasted Diana Gruendler, director of housing services.


“When you say you’re going to build dormitories, everyone gets monolithic structures in their mind,” she said. “That isn’t very exciting.”

Each two-bedroom suite comes with a balcony, kitchen, furnished living room and a large bathroom. State prisoners made all the furniture. Each apartment is equipped with a linen closet, and there is enough storage space to accommodate skis. Outside is a pool, barbecue pits and a picnic and recreation area.

The dormitories were built through a partnership between CSUN and Watt Enterprises, in the first phase of a development that will eventually include more student housing, a performing arts center, an office building and a stadium.


The dormitories will house 760 students, who will begin to move in Sunday.

They are already a big hit. There is a waiting list.
