
Local News in Brief : Setback for Foes of Civic Center Plan

Opponents of a proposed $25-million civic center in West Hollywood failed to collect enough valid signatures to force a vote on the proposal.

Members of a citizens’ group called the Save Our Parks Alliance last month claimed to have more than enough signatures to place on the next municipal ballot in April, 1990, an initiative aimed at preventing construction of the complex in West Hollywood Park.

But an official count by the Los Angeles County registrar’s office showed that of the 2,806 signatures the group submitted, only 1,722--or 344 fewer than necessary--were from registered voters who live in West Hollywood.


Some members of the group pledged to renew their campaign to halt the project, but supporters of the project immediately seized on the latest development as evidence that most West Hollywood residents are in favor of the proposal to build a city hall and possibly a new fire station at the 6-acre park, while retaining a softball field, tennis courts and picnic areas.
