
Local News in Brief : Huntington Beach : Household Toxic Items to Be Collected Saturday

A collection of household toxic items such as paints, thinners and household cleaners will be taken from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at the Rainbow Transfer & Recycling grounds, 17121 Nichols St.

The collection is being organized under the county Fire Department Hazardous Materials Program.

It is intended to help the public dispose of common household toxic materials properly rather than leaving them for regular garbage collection, fire officials said.


Items such as fertilizers, wood preservatives, oil-based paints and thinners, auto and furniture polishes, chemical drain cleaners, pesticides, weed killers, hobby supplies, pool chemicals, medications and drugs, and photographic chemicals will be accepted.

Radioactive devices or extremely hazardous materials, including smoke alarms, compressed gas cylinders, ammunition and explosives, will not be accepted, fire officials said.

Small businesses are limited to only one visit per site, and no one may bring more than 5 gallons or 5 pounds of hazardous materials, organizers said.


They stressed that the materials should not be mixed. Each product should be kept in its original container, unless it is leaking. Contents of the containers must match those listed on their labels. Those not meeting this requirement will be rejected.

For further information on the roundup or about which items are acceptable, call the Hazardous Materials Program Toxics hot line at (714) 744-0516.
