
Local News in Brief : Fountain Valley : Demonstrators Protest Killings in Burma

About 75 demonstrators protested recent killings of civilians in Burma by government troops during a Sunday rally at Mile Square Park.

Demonstrators, toting placards that said, “Help end oppression in Burma,” were urged by organizers to write letters of protest to U.S. congressional leaders.

“You must ask our congressmen to review the relationship between the United States and Burma,” said U Kjaw Win, one of the rally’s organizers, adding that the United States must stop shipping arms to the government.”


Since last September, the country has been torn with internal strife. U.S. Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.) recently told the Senate that on Aug. 9 Burmese staged a mass protest that ended with 100 people killed and 1,000 arrested.
